The terrible actions, undertaken by an individual during
Wednesday, are abhorrent, and rightly condemned by people in this country,
Europe, and the rest of the world. All the leaders of all these countries have
joined to voice their support for the British people. At home the domestic
political parties have also shown a unified voice in support of the police, the
emergency services, and the people of London. Amongst the calls for vigilance,
calm and to carry on as much as normal; there is also the cry, if not a
pleading, not to judge members in society for the race, colour, creed, or
religious beliefs.
These calls from the hierarchy of the political system and
law enforcement are to be condoned. Their call, not to judge a group because of
the actions of one, or on occasion, a group of individuals, as representative
of the group as a whole, should be applauded. And yet, there is a great degree
of hypocrisy in this statement, for should these sentiments not be afforded to
everyone, regardless of race, colour, etc.
Around the world, there have been a number of individuals
who have committed criminal acts using firearms, and yet, the actions of these
individuals are reported and treated as the actions of a whole group, honest
law abiding gun owners. Every time some criminal uses a firearm, these same
politicians and law enforcement call for more laws, the removal of rights and
the imposition of stronger regulations. Can you imagine what would happen if
the same criteria were applied after every one of these attacks, carried out in
the name of a religious ideology.
Tolerance is something that those in power preach to the
masses, and yet the most tolerant are more often than not, treated with
contempt, whilst those who are intolerant of much of the worlds societies, are
given free rein to undermine those societies. Tolerance it seems is only
acceptable when it suits their purpose or is politically expedient.