The latest consultation on firearms licensing, could lead some of you to believe that that there was some underlying agenda by those in a position of power. Not so many years ago, this kind of thinking would have you labelled as a conspiracy theorist. But, over the past four years, more and more people are starting to think this way. Those who are still able to use independent thought.
have been so many occasions in recent history that a view point has been put
forward, only for the establishment to close ranks, and roundly denounce the
opposing opinion. No rationale, no evidence, nothing, just we say it’s not so.
latest consultation is just the latest in an effort to ultimately remove all
firearms from civilian ownership. But it has to be done in stages, with more
and more of the population seemingly behind and supporting the seizure. The
current list of proposals have been put forward time and again, and each time a
bit more gets added on. But why do we need more restrictions? Currently the UK
has laws way beyond what the rest of the world deem necessary to ensure those
in society who should not have firearms, are obstructed in their acquisition.
Criminals, as we have said before, do not obey the law, and more draconian
ownership laws do nothing to prevent this section of society from obtaining
And so
we arrive at the conspiracy theory! This latest debate has been brought about
by the coroner’s inquest to the shootings in Plymouth, where the assailant
killed a number of his family, before turning the gun upon himself. The coroner
Mr. Ian Arrow listened to what the jury in the case had to say, and in his
report made recommendations that more rigorous restrictions were needed in
order to prevent this sort of tragedy from re-occurring. In his findings, and
subsequent comments, there was no reference to the laws that are in place being
ineffective. He did however, blame the incompetent and slap dash approach by
the local police authority who had issued the licence, revoked it, and then
re-instated it.
All of the failings by the police contributed to the terrible incident. And yet, Mr Arrow’s thinking appears to be that, as the current law was not applied, that law must be ineffective. Therefore, more stringent laws must be implemented.
a recent statement issued by the Countryside Alliance on this matter, reference was made to
the U.S.A., and its gun owners. I feel this comment was to say the least, disingenuous.
Despite what you have been lead to believe, there are over 20,000 laws in the U.S.
in relation to firearms and their ownership. All purchases through legitimate
businesses have to have a background check, and, contrary to misinformation,
you cannot buy a firearm on the internet and have it sent to your house. As here,
the transaction has to be completed with a face to face meeting.
There are
so many commonalities between the U.K. and U.S.A. regarding this subject, but
they approach the matter in a different way, to achieve the same result. The result
of the laws on law abiding members of society is the same, no problems. But, here,
as in the U.S.A. the main arbiters are the police, and as here they are advised
of individuals who should have their firearms removed for the sake of public
safety. And, as here, all too often these firearms are returned, only for the
individual to then go on to perform an horrendous act of violence. And, as
here, after every event of this nature, the police and politicians call for
even more stringent controls on firearms. This is despite those charged with
the job of enforcing the existing laws, failing to so.
laws in the U.K. are more severe than most of the rest of the world. The law
abiding firearms owner has submitted themselves to background checks,
photographic I.D., and that they have, and do live, an honest and law abiding
life style. Which is more than can be said for any other sector of society,
including the police. Gilding the lily will have no effect on the criminals,
and failure to enact current laws, will not be remedied by these proposals.
So, in
closing please contact you M.P., or, the shooting organisation that you are a
member of. If you do not already belong to one, join now! Failure to support
your sport will result in all shooting sports being curtailed until they are
finally legislated out of existence.