Tuesday, 21 January 2020

Richmond Virginia 2nd amendment rally.

Richmond rally.
                Mainstream media outlets across the whole of the U.S. predicted a rivers of blood scenario, as in excess of 10,000 law abiding American citizens attended a pro-second amendment march. In the aftermath of the event, that same media was desperate to put their own spin on the event.

                In reality, over 10,000 law abiding Americans marched in support of their right to keep and bear arms. These same Americans were from every race colour and creed, if you feel you must address someone by their appearance, beliefs, or, gender, I leave that to those that wish to divide society. These Americans, legally walked down the streets of Richmond, with an estimated 30,000+ firearms and ammunition. There were few police in evidence, just some outlying lines of state troopers. The marchers walked down the road, chanting their objections to the proposed legislation, and on one notable occasion, a spontaneous recital of the pledge of allegiance.

                These marchers were polite, courteous, and orderly. When questioned by supportive, and hostile media alike, they conducted themselves with dignity. In all cases they answered the questions to the best of their beliefs, in a polite manner, without the need for profanity, inflammatory language, or, an aggressive personae. All this was much to the chagrin of the mainstream, who it appears had hoped for at the very least a negligent discharge from one of the thousands of firearms on display.

                Then when it was all over, these marchers left in a peaceful and orderly manner; but not before litter picking the streets where they had been protesting. All of this is stark contrast to those who would suppress or remove the 2nd amendment rights of Monday’s marchers. The lack of tear gas, broken shop fronts, looting, fires and damage to property, which those same individuals or groups had said would happen. Based one assumes upon their own actions when demonstrating, were all absent from this rally.

                These marchers weren’t the exception, they are the rule; a rule by which all honest, law abiding gun owners, not only in the U.S., but all around the world conduct themselves. This is contrary to what some would have you believe, especially those not involved in the shooting sports.

                In conclusion I would just like to say thank you to of those marchers from Richmond, Virginia as a whole, and to all those Americans from all over the country who came to support their fellow 2nd amendment family members. This truly was a United States march.

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