Friday, 18 December 2020

UK propose even stricter controls.

 We as a community are again facing more government legislation in our sport in order to address the misuse of, and acquisition of, firearms by the criminal fraternity. From what I have been able read so far, there is little evidence to suggest a balanced approach to any of the proposals.

Please follow this link, FIREARMS SAFETY-GOV.UK to read the government, National Police Chiefs Council (NPCC), the National Crime Agency (NCA) and the National Ballistics Intelligence Service (NBIS) wish list.

The following link gives you access to the NRA response, along with guidelines on how to respond NRA- HOME OFFICE CONSULTATION

The multi-pronged approach is put forward as a public safety exercise. Nothing that I have read would suggest that any of the changes would make a difference to public safety.

Do not leave it to others to do your bidding! Rest assured that all the anti-shooting organisations, including most of the main stream press and media, will be out in full force to help promote these issues using the public safety mantra.

If you see, or, hear any mis-information from these sources, do the right thing, and contact the outlet to put the facts forward. As a wise man once said, "A lie left unchallenged, becomes the truth".

Thank you for your time.

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